Category: Features

Young guns a blazin’

January 13, 2012

The next generation of leaders in Canada’s automotive retail sector are taking their place. We introduce you to four reasons our industry has a bright future. In our industry, the perceived lack of young blood coming through the ranks to …

All charged up and raring to go

November 14, 2011

Latest vehicles on display at the EV 2011 Electric Vehicles Conference and Trade show More than a dozen of the latest generation electric vehicles available in the Canadian market were on display at the EV 2011 Electric Vehicles Conference and …

dawn of the electric age

November 14, 2011

Electric vehicles are reborn and this time they could be here to stay One hundred years ago, the first electric starter was introduced on the 1912 Cadillac. Ironically, its introduction sounded the death knell for the electric vehicle (EV) of …

Going for the Green

November 14, 2011

Dealers are paying closer attention to sustainable business practices The auto business frequently comes under close political scrutiny, not only as it relates to the production and use of the end product (automobiles) but also the facilities that manufacture and …

Keep customers coming back for more

October 14, 2011

A look at how dealers are enticing customers into their stores and keeping them over the long-term In this age of fickle consumer spending patterns, instant media access and a bewildering choice of products and services on offer, it can …

Easing financing anxiety

October 14, 2011

Finance and Insurance departments adapt to offer more choice Finance and insurance (F&I) departments are doing quite well. According to an Automotive News survey in February, managers were optimistic that 2011 would see even better returns than 2010. Sixty-three percent …