Category: Publisher’s letter

Fact or fiction

At Canadian auto dealer, we spend a lot of time reporting on how the business is changing, how the products and services available to dealers; the job descriptions and elements of the store are evolving. There’s no question that with …

The start of something new

CANADIAN AUTOMOTIVE VIDEO LAUNCHES First, let me state the obvious: video continues to grow in importance as a primary communications medium. For you as car dealers, and for other participants in Canada’s automotive industry, video is going to continue to …

Legwork pays off

The MDA and MMDA provincial dealer associations deserve a lot of credit for a couple of great events. As you see reported in this issue, the Canadian auto dealer team travelled to Manitoba and Alberta to take part in the …

Pearls of wisdom

Consider the schedule of the past few weeks: • The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) held its annual gathering in Orlando, Florida; • The Canadian Automobile Dealers Association (CADA) held its inaugural CADA Summit in Toronto; • The Toronto auto …

The CADA Summit is born!

Top-notch speakers will challenge and inspire dealers For the better part of a year, a small team has been meeting regularly around the boardroom table in the offices of the Canadian Automobile Dealers Association (CADA) offices to plan a kick-ass …

Two solitudes

Two solitudes exist between the front of your store, and the back I’ve had a number of conversations over the past month that ended in a similar manner; talking about the (generally) poor job being done at many dealerships when …