Category: Publisher’s letter

A new ritual of spring

The best part of publishing magazines in the automotive industry is the chance to participate in key industry events. There’s just no substitute for exchanging ideas face-to-face. Earlier this spring I had a chance to do just that as part …

Scene and heard

It’s been a busy stretch keeping plugged in to the automotive scene I’ve been on the road from Las Vegas to Detroit to Quebec City to Nova Scotia — and parts in between — attending auto shows, industry events and …

Winning team

We are a dealer-owned magazine. As the only dealer-owned 
publication that reaches all of Canada’s franchised new car dealers, it’s our role to represent dealer interests. That mandate hasn’t changed in the seven years we’ve been publishing Canadian auto dealer …

Tip of the iceberg

It’s a slippery slope that leads away from your store. Last issue I discussed the partnership Ford has put in place with Best Buy Canada and Future Shop. With this arrangement, the role of advising consumers on matching their electronic …