Fresh footprints in new snow

The new year brings change and opportunity

I love the way each new year starts in the automotive industry. It’s a familiar cycle of activities that I have come to really enjoy over the years. From auto shows on both sides of the border, to the NADA conference, it’s a time for new starts and new learning.

The start of a new year is also chance for us to re-evaluate the things we do, and see how they can be done better.

To that end, you may have noticed some changes to this issue. We have undergone a cover to cover makeover. From bolder photography and white space placement to font choices, sizes and spacing, every page has been updated. Our Young Guns cover story is an incredible read that will cause a buzz in our industry, and showcases the unmatched depth of our reporting. This combination of design and content changes is aimed at providing you an even better reading experience.

We also continue to add new features to the magazine, and this issue debuts one we are very excited about. We’re partnering with Richard Cooper of Harris/Decima Research to bring you a powerful window into Canadian consumers, and a window you will only find in the pages of Canadian auto dealer.

Richard’s name is familiar to many of you, as he has spent many years researching the Canadian automotive landscape. Richard and I have spoken many times about how we might collaborate to bring valuable information to Canadian auto dealer readers. The toolset Harris/Decima puts at Richard’s disposal provides the answer.

Harris/Decima puts an omnibus survey into the field every week, 
gathering information on Canadian consumers’ opinions and perceptions. Canadian auto dealer is teaming up with Richard to add retail automotive-specific questions to this survey that will examine your most important set of relationships — the ones with the customers and prospects that are walking into your store — or in some cases aren’t walking in.

We’ll be asking car buyers about the type of information they seek out before and after they come see you, and how they want that information delivered. We’ll also be able to ask the questions that you want answered. We’ve created a special website:, where you can submit your questions.

Frankly, we think this rocks.

And a bit more new stuff: I’ve set up a personal Twitter feed, to help bring you ideas and things worth exploring. You can follow me at 
@niel_hiscox. This is in addition to the Canadian auto dealer Twitter feed (@autodealermag), so we’ll be reaching out across a number of channels to keep you informed. And there is more coming.

On behalf of all our team, we wish you a healthy, happy and prosperous 2012, as we make fresh footprints in newly-fallen snow.

About Todd Phillips

Todd Phillips is the editorial director of Universus Media Group Inc. and the editor of Canadian auto dealer magazine. Todd can be reached at

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