Good leadership often requires a change in direction

When we list the attributes of great leadership, the ability to change one’s mind rarely makes it to the top of the list.

Decisiveness? For sure. Clarity of vision? Yes, no question. Changing your mind? Not really.

But in a time when the business model your dealerships work under and the technologies and tools you need to be successful are changing as fast as they are, being willing to change your mind may be crucial to your future prosperity.

That’s not easy, particularly when we have to reverse direction on something we only recently implemented. Consider an example we have very close to home. As new digital media emerge, Canadian auto dealer always searches for ways to deliver the best reader experience. That is a constantly moving target.

Like many publishers, part of that digital offering was a replica digital edition — those online flip style books that let you turn the page with a click or drag of the mouse. While useful as an archiving tool, the viewing experience isn’t great.

We recently introduced a new tablet edition that offers a great reading experience. But as with any technology, there are trade offs. It might not provide the best platform for integrating advertising and video in the way we envision going forward. If the platform can’t provide the best experience possible, I may soon find myself retiring a tool that we only recently told our staff was well suited for our plans. And they will say to me: “But you said…”

Yes, I did. I changed my mind.

When you decide you need to change direction within your dealership, you should remind your staff that there is never only one set of tools or ways to operate. Instead, explain that you should always commit to serve your customers in the best way possible.

Showing flexibility in leadership is an opportunity to reinforce to your team that you want to align with the best thinking available, and that the best ideas don’t have to come from the corner office. This can energize your team to become more active contributors and make you a stronger operation.

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