Category: Opinion

Two solitudes

Two solitudes exist between the front of your store, and the back I’ve had a number of conversations over the past month that ended in a similar manner; talking about the (generally) poor job being done at many dealerships when …

Get your seats dirty

If you want to sell more cars — conduct more test drives. The math is simple. in its 2011 Auto Shopper Behaviour Study, Google studied automotive purchasing behaviour, and vehicle shoppers were asked the following: How useful were each of …

Tablet tales

Canadian auto dealer delivers new tablet edition The role of the tablet device as a communications tool is one of the most interesting technology debates raging. How it all sorts itself out is something that auto dealers need to keep …

A new ritual of spring

The best part of publishing magazines in the automotive industry is the chance to participate in key industry events. There’s just no substitute for exchanging ideas face-to-face. Earlier this spring I had a chance to do just that as part …

The social media mix

It’s the big question with no easy answer Social media is one of the biggest issues facing dealers that nobody can really define, quantify, measure, grasp or figure out what to do about. In this swirl of confusion, there are …

Scene and heard

It’s been a busy stretch keeping plugged in to the automotive scene I’ve been on the road from Las Vegas to Detroit to Quebec City to Nova Scotia — and parts in between — attending auto shows, industry events and …