The social media mix

It’s the big question with no easy answer

Social media is one of the biggest issues facing dealers that nobody can really define, quantify, measure, grasp or figure out what to do about.

In this swirl of confusion, there are experts jumping out from behind every podium, there are conferences and trade shows dedicated to the topic in every corner of North America, and dealers and their eager-to-learn staff are off searching for simple truths, of which there are precious few.

It was certainly the hottest topic at this year’s NADA show in Las Vegas, and the Toronto Automobile Dealers Association also held a one day social media “boot camp” event where more than 150 dealers packed a hotel meeting room to hear from industry experts.

Our columnist Chuck Seguin writes in this issue about the need for caution and common sense in assessing the offerings from vendors and experts. Seguin says he has seen these types of “new opportunities” arise before, and dealers can be taken advantage of and sold smoke and mirrors instead of solid tools.

I know that all vendors need to create a sense of urgency to help propel someone to act, it’s a common sales tactic, but in the case of social media, it is time for some thoughtful reflection.

Because no one really has the clear answer on how best to engage with your customers in social media channels, you aren’t really that far behind. Your dealership won’t really go under unless you hire a 20-something writer on staff to start cranking out blogs and commentary all day long to help boost your Google relevance. You won’t really be crippling yourself beyond repair if your Facebook site is out of date, or worse, boring.

If you actually try to market yourself in a social media channel, and are transparent about your intention to sell people cars, you won’t be forever branded an outcast and shunned from social media participation.

So ignore the fear mongering. But there is still the real chance that a poorly-thought out social media strategy is costing you sales and service opportunities. Calculating how much you could be losing is impossible. But it’s a topic worth learning more about. One thing you should consider is how you can tie in your social media activities to your overall marketing strategy in print, radio, television, in person events, and online. It’s just another customer or prospect touch.

Dealers can’t be expected to have all the answers yet. But I wouldn’t bet against their ability to adapt to these new tools in ways even the experts haven’t yet foreseen. Stay tuned.

About Todd Phillips

Todd Phillips is the editorial director of Universus Media Group Inc. and the editor of Canadian auto dealer magazine. Todd can be reached at

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