Former CCAQ president takes on role as senior advisor for Sym-Tech


Robert Poëti, known for his role in Canadian politics and as the former CEO of the Corporation des concessionnaires d’automobiles du Québec (CCAQ), has been named a senior advisor for Sym-Tech Dealer Services.

The company’s president, Derek Sloan, made the announcement this week; Poëti will mainly work with Sym-Tech’s Québec-based team to support the strategic development of its business in the province. This includes both business development and industry and government relations.

“There is tremendous opportunity to grow Sym-Tech and its dealer client’s business in Québec,” said Poëti in a statement. “Sym-Tech’s consumer-focussed and transparent processes provide consumers with more and better choices to protect their automobile investment.”

Sym-Tech’s provincial vice-president for dealer services, Francis Vallée, said he was pleased to have Poëti join the team. “We have plans to significantly grow our business in Québec, and Robert’s expertise will be a major asset in fulfilling our objectives.”

The company’s goal for years has been to improve dealership F&I performance through a more positive vehicle purchasing experience. They provide dealers with training, protection products, F&I software, claims processing, and in-store support.

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