Metro Vancouver has the worst traffic in Canada, and North America!

February 24, 2023

Spoiler: Turns out, Metro Vancouver has some of the worst traffic on the continent. TomTom just published its 2022 Traffic Index which covers 389 cities in 56 countries and measures them by travel time and how long it takes to go 10 km. Canadian cities feature high on the list, but some of our places might surprise you. Looking strictly at city centers, the worst place in Canada for commuting is Toronto. Driving 10 km took an average of 22 mins, 30 seconds (almost two minutes longer than last year) and drivers spent 199 hours in rush hour over the year. That puts Canada’s biggest city in the 30th spot overall. The rest of Canada’s top 10 are Vancouver, Winnipeg, Montreal, London, Halifax, Edmonton, Ottawa, and Hamilton. But, change the filter to the entire metro area, and Vancouver has the worst traffic in Canada. Halifax is the big surprise, finishing second when it is calculated this way. Drivers there can expect to average just 39 km/h during rush hour. Read original article here.

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