All provinces enjoy double digit sales growth in November

Year-over-year sales growth continued into November with all of the provinces enjoying double digit increases for the month, according to DesRosiers Automotive Consultants (DAC). The data is based on reporting manufacturers.

The largest increase came from Saskatchewan, which was up 37.1% compared to November 2022. And Alberta and Nova Scotia experienced estimated increases of 31.9% and 30.6%, respectively. For some of the other provinces, increases were notably less: Ontario was up 15.4% for the month (below the national average), while Québec pulled ahead just enough to enjoy a 17.6% increase.

“Now into the 13th month of straight year-over-year sales increases, the automotive market is seeing more balanced growth spread across the country,” said Andrew King, Managing Partner at DAC, in a statement. “Inventory and demand appear more balanced across the provinces, a significant and positive departure from the trend of the past few years.”

Year-to-date, Alberta experienced the largest sales increase thanks to an estimated 14.1%, and British Columbia managed a 13.5% increase. Ontario remained in third place, year-to-date, with a 12.5% sales increase.

Overall, November data reveals a 20.7% increase in overall sales with an estimated 138,747 units for the month. “Year-to-date, the new light vehicle market has seen an 11.9% increase over the same time last year,” said DAC.

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