Alberta regulator tackles automotive fraud

The Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council (AMVIC) is warning used car buyers to think twice before signing a deal that’s too good to be true. They’ve joined the Fraud Prevention Forum partners in a mission to raise awareness during March, Fraud Prevention Month.

“An informed consumer who is prepared to ask questions is exactly what curbers and fraudsters do not want,” says Lynette MacLeod, AMVIC manager of communications and education.

A curber is someone who sells vehicles illegally to consumers without the proper sales license. Curbers typically sell vehicles that have hidden damage, odometers that have been tampered with, and may even be stolen. Buyers often find that when problems arise, the seller can’t be found, or offers no help.

“A deal that seems too good to be true is just one of many signs that you may be dealing with a curber,” MacLeod says.

AMVIC is sharing tips via weekly e-bulletins throughout March to help consumers recognize, reject and report fraud.

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