Shopping tools can boost customer satisfaction

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A recent study by J.D. Power shows that the use of online shopping tools can significantly improve satisfaction among consumers shopping for a new vehicle.

Four key elements, including information/content, appearance, speed and navigation, were measured to determine how useful auto manufacturer websites are during the new-vehicle shopping process. Customer satisfaction with auto manufacturer websites scored 807 points on a 1,000-point scale.

“The content on manufacturer websites must embody three key attributes: It must be easy to access. It must provide sufficient detail to answer shoppers’ questions. And it must help tell the brand story,” said Arianne Walker, senior director of marketing analytics at J.D. Power, in a written release.

The study said that 57 per cent of all new-vehicle buyers spend time on a manufacturer’s website, and that satisfaction is driven mainly by the quality of content. What’s more, around 40 per cent of shoppers reported to have an improved impression of the brand after their website experience.

“Gen Y shoppers — soon to be the largest group of new-vehicle shoppers — use these tools at higher rates than Boomers, signifying that manufacturers must continue to invest in and improve website tools in response to shifts in the car-buying population,” said Walker.

More than half of website visitors are more likely to test drive a vehicle if they have a positive experience on a manufacturer’s website, J.D. Power added.

Shopping tools such as exterior 360 view, offers/ incentives, compare tools and payment calculators can boost consumer satisfaction, the study said.

“There’s a direct connection between manufacturers that utilize their digital showroom effectively and satisfied shoppers who then become buyers,” said Walker.

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