Auto industry vital to Canada


The impact of the auto industry is important to Canada’s economic welfare, according to new research from Unifor, a private sector union.

The study said that 125,400 people are employed in the North American auto industry, contributing millions to local charities and taxes.

“The auto industry is important to the Canadian economy generally, and absolutely vital in the communities where assembly and parts plants are located,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias, in a written release.

Auto workers across Canada have contributed around $1.9-billion in income, sales taxes and payroll.

“That money goes to support services that we all depend upon, such as healthcare, education and social services — the sorts of things that make Canada such a great place to live,” said Dias.

The auto industry produced 2,268,996 cars and light trucks in 2015, bringing in $93.5-billion in revenue.

“That kind of output of manufacturing goods, and the good jobs that come with it, is not easily replaced,” said Dias. “That’s why we have made securing new investment the number one priority for this year’s auto talks,” he added.

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