Policaro BMW celebrates grand opening


Industry-News2-supportThe Policaro family has opened the doors to its new BMW dealership, located in the 410 Mayfield Auto Mall in Brampton, Ont. This is the seventh dealership for the Policaro family, which has been operating stores since 1979.

The grand opening was celebrated with an upscale event which brought out over 300 guests from the auto industry, and included drinks and live music.

One of the dealership’s main attractions is the Bavaria Lounge for VIP customers.

“We saw a shift in the market, especially for the brand BMW where you see customers purchase vehicles for around $150,000, then you have cars that are $30,000. We started to see a different variation of level of service customers were expecting,” said Francesco Policaro, General Manager of Policaro BMW in an interview with Canadian auto dealer.

The lounge is situated on the second storey of the 60,000 sq.ft. space, and VIP guests can have a go at the simulated golf course and enjoy a drink at the bar while waiting for their service.

“With the Bavaria lounge, it was to provide a different experience to customers and tie that into our services like valet, detail packages, access to the lounge and to the golf simulator. We partnered up with a local golf club and did a sponsorship with them. We saw that 80 per cent of our customers like to golf. So when we have a high-end customer that wants to golf, we bring that to them,” said Policaro.

Created by the iconic high-end luxury designer, Ferris Rafauli, the lounge has a lavish layout including fur throw-overs and leather seating.

“I think this was a little bit special because you’re taking a little bit of fashion, luxury and blending it into the world of automotive. Fortunately (BMW) it’s a luxury brand, so it really goes hand in hand with what we do,” said Rafauli, in an interview with Canadian auto dealer.

Among the customers, friends and family that attended, the event also pulled in VIP guests such as Hans
Blesse, President of BMW Group Canada, Mayor of Brampton, Linda Jeffrey, and NBA player Andrew Wiggins.

Jeffrey spoke about the Policaro family’s donations to the William Osler Health System and the importance of the cause.

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