Author: Brian Moskowitz

Keep the connection

May 6, 2017

Dealers embrace new tools to boost service retention and adapt to mobile first customers The customer-facing experience in automotive is changing — fast. Each new iteration of the iPhone, android operating system and the constant introduction of countless mobile devices …

Budget 2017 disappoints: TADA

The Trillium Automobile Dealers Association says it is “disappointed” that Ontario’s 2017 Budget has excluded Bill 3, Cutting Red Tape for Motor Vehicle Dealers Act. “To save dealers precious time and money, Ontario should provide in-dealership registration and licensing that …

Social media for cars

With the largest online audience in Canada, the social networking giant Facebook says it’s got the hottest virtual corner for Internet advertising. Canadians spend more time on their mobile devices than desktops or laptops, Joshua Bloom, Auto Industry Lead at …

Show Business

There’s still nothing like a car show for touching, feeling and dreaming about that new car experience. Even though most buyers now do the bulk of their auto research online, there’s still a place for hands-on. And that was especially …

NADA: Dealerships set records

April 26, 2017

Wages, payroll and employment all continued to rise at U.S. new-car dealerships in 2016, according to a report from the National Automobile Dealers Association. Dealerships employed 69 workers on average in 2016, up from 66 in 2015. Overall, new-car dealerships …