Best footprint forward

TADA provides support to Mexican charity during annual conference

When Elva Haro’s students walk by Canadian and American tourists in the sunny Mexican coastal city of San Jose Del Cabo, they do their best to smile at them; after all, Elva explains to the middle and high schoolers from low-income homes: “that person you smile at could be one of your donors.”

The Trillium Automobile Dealers Association recently added its friendly face to the crowd of generous supporters when it surprised Elva, Executive Director of LigaMAC, with a $10,000 contribution to support the nonprofit’s efforts in helping local youth complete their education, improve their English-language skills, prevent teenage pregnancy, and provide referral services to social and health care workers.

“It’s amazing that a group from so far away had a big heart to get interested in the people living in the San Jose area that they don’t even know,” says Elva, who oversees the distribution of funds to purchase uniforms, in-class and gym shoes and school supplies to 450 students.

“I think dealers expect our association to represent our industry at the highest level — wherever we go and whatever we do,” says Larry Lantz, TADA President and President of Hanover Honda.

The TADA was in Mexico in April for its annual five-day conference, attended by dealers, suppliers and industry partners.

Lantz says the conference was a “resounding success on all levels” and encourages those that have not yet attended to consider doing so. “We put on a great event with the perfect business and education mix,” he adds.

Speakers focused on improving training and Maria Soklis, President of Cox Automotive Canada, spoke about becoming empowered in a changing business reality.

The TADA board voted to “leave a positive footprint in Mexico” by continuing the precedent it set several years ago, when it went to St. Lucia and donated a fridge and other necessities to a local orphanage, says Lantz.

Elva said that Liga in Spanish means “rubber band” and MAC is an acronym standing for Mexicans, Americans, Canadians. The organization’s name therefore represents the “banding together” of people from these different countries, who have worked tirelessly to improve the lives of countless people since LigaMAC was founded 20 years ago by Canadian Pearl Pardy.

In February, Elva received an email from Bill Bratt, a colleague of the TADA who was inquiring about local charities. Bratt passed on LigaMAC’s information to the TADA which decided to make an in-kind donation to provide students with backpacks.

Giving an in-kind donation on an international basis presented several impediments connected to imports and taxes, explains Elva.

“Once it became clear that the TADA’s in-kind donation was not feasible, I didn’t expect anything more,” she says. “But the group visited the support centre, toured the facilities and asked questions; right then and there they gave me the news that they had decided to switch the in-kind donation with a cash donation!”

“I was very surprised and very grateful because this really helps us continue our programs,” she added.

LigaMAC “scholars” said Elva, are distributed among 10 middle schools, two universities and five high schools — the high school also requires students to pay additional registration fees which the organization covers on their behalf.

It costs roughly $480 to put one kid through school, Elva said.

“Dealers are always very generous in supporting various charities,” says TADA Executive Director, Todd Bourgon. “I think they can feel good that their organization is conscious about representing our industry both at home and abroad, in a positive light.”

Bourgon added that many of the conference participants made private donations while at the support centre and were very impressed with LigaMAC and its executive director.

Lantz says he thanks the vendors and dealers for attending and supporting the conference.

“Our board of directors is very grateful — especially the Canadian ones,” explains Elva.

To learn more about LigaMAC-sponsored scholarships, medical aid, advocacy and other initiatives, please visit:

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