Seeing is believing

New program allows technicians to record video vehicle inspections to enhance the customer experience, engagement and trust

Looking for an innovative way to inspire trust in your service customers while imparting important information about their vehicle maintenance?

Get their attention with a video of their vehicle inspection—delivered straight to their phone or inbox, even while the vehicle is still on the hydraulic lift. “If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video has to be worth a million,” says John Dixon, president of Autoloyalty, the Ontario boutique company that recently brought the video service CitNOW (pronounced See-it-now) to Canada.

Autoloyalty is known for providing automotive loyalty marketing training to Canadian dealers, including The Upgrade Sale, offered in partnership with Shift Marketing Studio. When Dixon learned about CitNOW, already popular in 38 countries, he considered it a no-brainer to bring it to Canada.

“Personalized video is a dynamic way to connect with customers. They help foster transparency and trust and help the customer feel more comfortable making a service decision,” says Dixon.

The program allows technicians to make one-to-two-minute videos that show the customer what kind of service work is required on their vehicle and why, using gauges and other measurement tools to demonstrate.

Videos can be held for review by the service advisor or be sent directly to the customer through an email or text that includes a secure link to an online dashboard where they can access their video. Service advisors receive notifications when a video has been viewed and the customer can reply to the text or email to decline or accept the work proposed.

Six GTA dealers currently use the program. Dealers who have adopted the system report positive feedback from their customers, including Facebook comments like: “This is cool, I just got a video of the installation of my M4 Performance Parts from my BMW dealer.”

Dixon says some dealers report feeling protected from liability issues because of the videos. They often shoot short videos when a vehicle comes in for service to minimize misunderstandings about replacement or realignment of tires.

A sales application is also available. “You can send customers videos to remind them about an appointment, introduce them to your service department or show them new inventory. The possibilities are endless,” says Dixon.

CitNOW is available for a monthly fee plus a training and installation fee that varies based on how many technicians need to be trained. They also provide one recording device (an iPod with a noise-reducing mic), tripod and selfie stick for every four technicians at the dealership.

You can learn more about CitNOW at

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