Category: Features

NADA Show 2019: CarGurus

February 1, 2019

It’s all about the consumer Diego Sanson, Vice President International Business Development — Meeting consumer needs by providing a good service and price will help them gain confidence when searching for a new or used vehicle online, according to Diego …

NADA Show 2019: The Minery

February 1, 2019

Tackling hiring and retention Bri Newman, Vice-President — The issue of employee hiring and retention is nothing new to automotive retailers — it’s been flagged before. It was even on the minds of dealers at the 2018 NADA Show, but …

NADA Show 2019: E-Block

February 1, 2019

Helping buyers save time Michael Ryan O’Connor, CEO — Time appears to be the new currency for consumers and businesses: no one has more of it to give. At this year’s NADA Show, Michael Ryan O’Connor, President and CEO of …

NADA Show 2019: Trader

February 1, 2019

Exciting times Matt Lawson, VP Dealer Groups & OEM — Matt Lawson, VP of Dealer Groups & OEM at TRADER, was excited to attend the NADA Show 2019 — and for good reason. Like other companies that Canadian auto dealer …

Nada Show 2019: Cox Automotive Canada

February 1, 2019

Improving the customer journey Jeff Clark, VP Media Solutions — Providers of digital retail tools understand the importance and perhaps urgency to improve the customer journey — and by extension their overall experience. Cox Automotive Canada’s team spent a significant …

NADA Show 2019: DealerFX

February 1, 2019

Moving towards an end-to-end solution Dennis Welsh, Director, Marketing — More and more business providers in the automotive retail landscape appear to be moving towards an end-to-end solution — one platform, one provider — and Dealer-FX is no exception. The …

NADA Show 2019: Dealer Solutions

February 1, 2019

Understanding the changes in the industry Farid Ahmad, President and Founder — Dealer Solutions is one of many companies looking to better understand the changes occurring in the automotive industry, and how they can navigate their business in these seemingly …

NADA Show 2019: PureCars

February 1, 2019

Dominating digital advertising Charlie Bass, VP Sales — Charlie Bass, VP of Sales at PureCars, showed up at this year’s NADA Show 2019 to spread the word about the company’s digital solutions, which are meant to help dealers dominate the …

NADA Show 2019: Final Coat

February 1, 2019

Disclosure and transparency Rob Mackenzie, VP Sales — Final Coat’s VP of Sales Rob Mackenzie attended this year’s NADA event in search of “the next little tech piece that we need to roll out to a customer.” The company is …

NADA Show 2019: NCM Associates

February 1, 2019

Profitability challenges ahead Trevor Robinson, Director of Retail Solutions, Training & Development — The year ahead may see dealers struggling with profitability, according to NCM Associates. The company aims to help train dealers become more profitable when times are good, …