NADA Show 2020: Winfooz

Langley Van Der Kley, Sales Lead, Canada

Langley Van Der Kley, Sales Lead, Canada

There was a lot of interest in digital car auctions at NADA 2020, and that kept companies like Winfooz busy. Langley Van Der Kley, the company’s sales lead in Canada, said the reception was great, and dealers were really pushing for new solutions as the market moves more towards the potential for more profits from used vehicles.

“That’s really given them the impetus to be able to say, ‘Hey, how can I sell my vehicles more effectively? How can I sell them more efficiently and how can I get the most money for them?’ And so they’re really interested in what we’ve got to offer,” said Van Der Kley.

“Whether they’re retailing it, whether they’re using it for sub-prime, whether they’re just wholesaling it, dealers have got to be able to have avenues to deal with their inventory, and we provide an excellent opportunity for them when it comes to their wholesale experience.”

Van Der Kley said their auction product offers less friction in the overall experience, and that their key selling points and advantages revolve around their service and transparency.

“I think one of the key things is the fact that it’s a very simple, straightforward platform to use,” said Van Der Kley. “As a dealer when you’re buying or selling, you have an opportunity to see who you’re selling to, who you’re buying from, who is bidding, what are they bidding on, and you have that opportunity to be able to see from a car perspective everything you could possibly need to know.”

The platform offers a full 360 exterior and interior view. And when it comes to videos, Van Der Kley said dealers will understand how clear the image is, and how they can pick up on things like damages or interior details.

Dealers can visit the website and sign on at any time, said Van Der Kley. “And that goes for dealers across Canada, because even if we’re not in that territory currently, we will be very, very soon.”

Winfooz recently launched in Alberta. They now have a territory manager in place, and are currently hiring people to help support their presence in the province.

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