NADA Show 2020: Tire Storage Solutions

Domenic Ismaele, CEO

Domenic Ismaele, CEO

Tire Storage Solutions (TSS) has been catering to dealership clients on both sides of the border who are increasingly interested in having their dealerships store their customers’ off-season tires.

Although winter tire replacement and storage are well established in provinces like Quebec where winter tires are mandatory, the concept is still catching hold in other regions, once they understand the the service retention advantages.

“It’s the reason that they’re kind of clamping onto it — the whole reason that these companies are all here is that they’re all trying to figure out how do we get those customers to come into our dealership?” said Domenic Ismaele, CEO of Tire Storage Solutions. “It’s a lot of, how do we retain that customer? There’s always that conquest, but trying to retain and make sure you reach out and get those people to come back.”

One thing that remains constant, is that no matter how a vehicle is built (such as electric, hybrid or gas/diesel-engine vehicles), or how it gets serviced, it will need tires. And that’s what TSS has been focusing on. “That’s where we’re going to try to have our area of expertise and our core competencies,” said Ismaele.

He said dealers have been asking questions about the best process to consider or the amount they should be charging their customers for the service.

“All these things are the business side of it, and we have to kind of teach them how to go along so they can use our software,” said Ismaele. “It’s like we’re teaching them a new way of doing business and it’s a different revenue stream.”

He said there are groups across Canada and dealerships that are storing for multiple dealerships (such as multi-dealer groups), and these groups have turned tire storage into a source of revenue. Dealers not yet fully invested in this area may find the tire storage business can offer some interesting opportunities for their business.

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