NADA Show 2020: Rousseau

Benoit Toussaint, Director of Sales

Benoit Toussaint, Director of Sales

Rousseau Metal, a Quebec-based manufacturer of a wide range of products — including products that dealers and third-party businesses can use for storage — took advantage of the NADA Show 2020 to showcase some innovative new products.

“We took advantage of the event to show our new products, and we had some training sessions for our distributors and specialists,” said Benoît Toussain, Director of Sales at Rousseau. “A lot of people came in for a meeting or made an appointment to gather and see all the other equipment.”

Toussaint said it was a good opportunity for dealers to compare their products with those of competitors. Especially since they have three main products on display — two that were completely new, and one that received a design update.

“The first one is vertical — the R2V Vertical Storage System. It’s a vertical drawer that goes above a typical workbench or toolbox. The main idea here is to regain the lost space,” said Toussaint. “With the vertical door, you can access every cubic inch or centimetre of your unit and access it in an economic fashion. You have drawers from six to 12 inches.”

Like other products that they sell, Toussaint said they also accessorize. Most of the accessories are compatible with other products in the Rousseau Metal lineup.

“They are all attached to our perforated boards. So that’s certainly a new design, a new look because it’s the only one where I did not see anything similar in the market,” said Toussaint.

The company also showcased a mobile tool cabinet operated by an electric battery that makes it easier to move throughout a facility.

Overall, Toussaint said they had a great turnout at the show — especially in terms of Canadians.

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