NADA Show 2020: Pitcher and Doyle

Christopher Nadolny, VP, Risk Management

Christopher Nadolny, VP, Risk Management

Christopher Nadolny, VP of Risk Management at Pitcher and Doyle, spent a lot of his time at the NADA Show checking out the newest technology to help protect and preserve a dealership’s investment in its vehicles and facilities.

“We’re one of four major players in Canada for garage policy, auto insurance and dealer insurance. We’re trying to evolve our product to meet the needs of growing groups,” said Nadolny, adding that this means exploring self-insurance and captive options, being more flexible, and tailoring policies for dealer groups.

“In the last seven-eight years, we’ve really seen a growth in the size and the number of dealer groups. I would say all the insurance providers really — everybody’s still got the old mold. So we’re trying to get ahead of the curve and offer solutions that will take them to the next level,” he said.

In terms of what he saw at the show this year, he said some of the biggest advancements were in digital security.

He said the company’s garage policy program has been around for 30 years and is a trusted name in insurance, and now they have an opportunity to reinvent themselves. “But it’s still going to come back to the basics — cost control and working with our partners and clients to mitigate their opportunity for loss and saving them premium deductibles — and ultimately saving the insurer.”

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