NADA Show 2020: Driving Sales

Jay Trotter, VP Sales and Marketing

Jay Trotter, VP Sales and Marketing

Jay Trotter, VP of Sales and Marketing at Driving Sales, said he was encouraged by what he saw and heard at this year’s NADA Show.

“I attended some of the classes, and you can really see the emphasis in the industry changing to people. And although this industry is human, capital management is kind of a foreign word to them, right?” he said. “It was refreshing to see people come to the booths and tell us a little bit more about human capital.”

Trotter said he’s been in the industry a long time and recognizes that dealerships need to modernize the way they see their staff and the value they place on training.

“If you think about processes, there’s a process in almost every area of the dealership. You have a CRM process, how we lease a car, all these different processes, even down to the service department. Yet if you think about people, and you think about their careers, we don’t have a process in place at all for that,” said Trotter.

Driving Sales has been working for the past 15 years with the NADA Academy and OEMs to build training curriculums and software tools that help manage the careers of individuals working at dealerships.

“So think about what the CRM does for a dealership. It provides the customer with the right message at the right time through a computer system. Human capital management does the same thing — but for an employee,” he said.

This helps people working in dealerships map out their career path ahead, keep tabs on training they have taken and need to take, and acquire skills to move to the next level.

He said dealerships need to recognize they are not only competing against other dealerships for talent, they are competing against other businesses in their communities that provide more visible career paths and training for their team members.

“We need to be able to go out and create superstars based on the process that we have in place. We create a training curriculum, we create an onboard path to career management. And then the third thing we do with the performance review is individualized training based on where they are in their own career rather than a classroom setting that everybody learns at the same pace.”

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