Man on a Mission

I’m on another call and my phone rings — again. Soon thereafter, an email arrives. It’s Jim Bell, our popular and colourful Focus on Fixed columnist. When he can’t reach me, he calls publisher Niel Hiscox in the office next to mine.

Jim is a man on a mission. He has an idea he wants to discuss and, no, it can’t wait.

He just returned from a trip to Uganda, Africa and his laptop is filled with pictures and his head filled with plans. Later he drops by to tell us some of his stories. As anyone who has met him can attest, Jim is a master storyteller. One of the best I’ve met, and he’s as excited as I’ve ever seen him.

He describes the people he met, the living conditions they are in, and above all talks about the incredible respect he has for them and for how hungry they are to improve their lives.

But he also recognizes they could be thriving not just surviving. After his 50 year career, Jim knows a lot of people in Canada who have done remarkably well in the automotive business and firmly believes that if they witnessed what he’d seen, they’d be keen to lend a hand.

Jim says he’s had a good life, and a rewarding career but it’s time to give back. His vision is to create a new organization called Mechanics Beyond Borders, that will see skilled people from Canada and other developed nations share their knowledge and help with vocational training in the developing world.

If you spend time with Jim, it’s hard not to get caught up in his enthusiasm. He says he’s no Mother Teresa, or a “do-gooder” but just recognizes that the people in a country like Canada, with an abundance of riches, can easily help out others. I interviewed Jim about his plans, and you can read that interview on the last page of this issue.

From providing surplus equipment or training materials, to sponsoring people to come train in your shop, or sponsoring one of your mechanics to do a stint training others overseas, Jim has lots of ways you can help out. Email him at:

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