
Canadian auto dealer editors come across videos all of the time. Here are some videos worth watching.

Texting and driving experiment

Teens take it upon themselves to educate distracted drivers and take action to prevent it. See how the distracted driving offenders react when they’re caught — and listen to their list of excuses for not using the technologies built into their vehicles.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MP4WNCGgHEc
Search tips: Texting while driving, distracted driving


Bad customer service montage


The title says it all. Watch these funny clips from movies that depict bad customer service — and make sure you never repeat them at your store!

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTbHwnxCGaI
Search tips: Customer service, YouTube


Three marketing myths debunked

Tmythhe Internet has introduced new marketing channels but that opens up more potential for mishaps and misconceptions. This video will help you separate fact from fiction, and determine some best practices and tips you can use at your dealership.

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGQWrMChlTQ
Search tips: digital marketing, marketing myths, YouTube

Faraday Future unveils electric​​ ​hyper​car of the future


Everyone is buzzing about Faraday Future, the California-based electric car company who revealed the 1,000-horsepower FFZERO1 concept car at the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Take a look at all of the vehicle’s cool features, including a smartphone mount in the centre of the steering wheel.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXvjeu4JVt8
Search tips: Faraday Future, FFZERO1, concept car, electric vehicles CES 2016

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