
Canadian auto dealer editors come across videos all of the time. Here are some videos worth watching.

Fiat Project Tango augmented reality retail experience by Accenture

Augmented reality could be the new test drive. Using FCA’s Project Tango device, consumers can experience a vehicle simply through their smartphone or tablet, with the ability to browse through different colours or see how well it parks into a parking space. Experience this for yourself.

Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKk085CND94

Search tips: World’s Greatest Drag Race V, MotorTrend, YouTube

Why don’t auto salespeople take action on social media?

Digital guru Laura Madison addresses the number one question she gets from GMs and owners: why salespeople don’t take action on social media. In this video Madison tells dealers how they can create a strong social media presence to help them sell more vehicles.

Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfaDBoDWygc

Search tips: Social media in dealerships, Laura Madison

The mystery shopper

Want to know how your dealership is handling leads? Motivational speaker and author Grant Cardone mystery shops unsuspecting businesses via phone, including dealerships, and shows you what’s going on inside your store.

Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RVjOuNPC3o

Search tips: Grant Cardone, Mystery shopping

A future beyond traffic gridlock: Bill Ford

In this TED Talk, Bill Ford, Executive Chairman of Ford Motor Company, shares his worries about our growing gridlock problem and describes his vision for the future of mobility. You’ll want to hear what this car guy has to say.

Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNqm4Yvr0uM

Search tips: Urban traffic, gridlock, Bill Ford, TED Talk

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