PBS Systems teams up with Nissan Canada on CRM integration

PBS Systems partnered with Nissan Canada on a new CRM integration, the company announced in January.

The integration with Nissan Canada’s NCAR and ICAR-X systems allows for a more seamless workflow when dealership sales people are working with current and prospective customers, because the vehicle information is automatically synchronized.

“The ‘customer experience’ focus was apparent from the outset of the project as our teams collaborated to provide Nissan retailers with strategic, real-time data integration,” said Wesley Pike, Director of OEM Business at PBS Systems.

He said the company’s v10 DMS provides embedded CRM (Workplan) to improve the dealership’s ability to take advantage of the NCAR / ICAR-X workflow automation. This, he said, is done through the sales leads that are now unified, and through the vehicle updates.

The integration aims to keep both the CRM and NCAR/ICAR-X systems up-to-date in real time for any new lead data.

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