Top 7 reasons to attend CADA Summit

The 5th annual CADA Summit is fast approaching and the Canadian auto dealer team is eager to take in this year’s event. Our team has provided gavel to gavel coverage of the first four events, and we compiled our list of top 7 reasons we are looking forward to attending again.

The great view from 30,000 feet.
Many industry events we attend focus on the micro details of running a dealership: which keywords to use in your SEO strategy, how to set your F&I office for better performance, and what music you should play in the bathroom. All important details, but the CADA Summit flies well above the dealership level alone and looks and look at trends in the industry, the economy, and society at large and assesses the impact of all of these forces on the business of running a dealership. With the quest to provide consumer with the types of experiences they enjoy outside the dealership, the industry is struggling to adapt, and this year’s line up of speakers will address the gaps and how to close them.

David Frum and Donald Trump.
This Canadian-American pundit is a fixture on CNN and other U.S. television networks and doesn’t pull any punches or protect any sacred cows. During the recent U.S. election, Frum, a neo-conservative who wrote speeches for George Bush, very publicly broke from party ranks and voted for Hillary Clinton based partly on his assessment of Donald Trump. Frum’s keynote address providing insider views on what happened within the Republican party during the Trump ascendency, coupled with his take on what a Trump reign will mean for the U.S. and Canada will be worth the registration price alone. Ford’s announcement this week that they are shelving plans to build a plant in Mexico is evidence that the impact could be significant.

What is the sharing economy?
We are hoping that Robin Chase, co-founder and former CEO of Zipcar can help us wrap our heads around what the next generation is envisioning when it comes to transportation and the concept of vehicle and ride sharing. If vehicle ownership isn’t really as appealing for some, then what combination of public, private and shared transportation will get them where they need to go? What role will autonomous vehicles play in the mix?

The electric vehicle dilemma.
Consumers don’t want them, yet. But governments want consumers to want them. Not because they provide the ideal transportation option, but to fulfill broader societal and environmental goals. But the tide seems to be turning towards EVs, and this year’s panel of government, industry association leaders and experts will dive into the apparent contradictions around EV adoption rates and the right mix government intervention. This session should make for some interesting, and we hope, even some heated discussions.

Forecasts and predictions from economists.
Dealers, like most of us, have broader concerns about the impact of the economy on their own personal and financial well-being, and the impact of trends like high consumer debt levels on buying decisions. Are housing prices headed for a cooling off, and what can we expect from the car-buying public in the year ahead? The prognostications and debates from senior economists who make a living studying these things are always a popular session with the dealers we talk with at the event.

The disruptors.
There are so many companies that are sliding into the dealership world, nibbling away at a chunk of their business. Is this a new broader strategy to improve the dealership customer experience by partnering with best of breed providers? Or is this a trojan horse that threatens to erode dealership margins by the death of a thousand cuts? This panel session will feature companies that are providing service to dealers and consumers, and will explore how everyone can remain happy and profitable within the new ecosystem in the auto retail network of the future.

Networking and food.
As at the previous CADA Summit events, it’s a who’s who of the elite ranks of Canada’s top dealers and industry players. The event also features OEM leaders, and distinguished speakers all of whom meet in fairly close quarters which helps encourage easy access for conversations. The agenda provides lots of good time for networking and discussions in between the sessions during the food breaks. (The food is always terrific.) Our editorial team has had to break up some of these engaging conversations between industry heavyweights to get our own interviews done. Our apologies in advance to those conversations we will interrupt yet again at this year’s event!

The CADA Summit is backed by an exclusive sponsorship from TD Auto Finance.

To register, visit:

The event always sells out, and although some dealers seem to wait until the last minute, if you want to book a spot for you and your team members, we’d encourage you to sign up today. General managers and other senior managers would also hugely benefit from the insider access to some of the best thinking in ur industry, so consider bringing your team.

About Todd Phillips

Todd Phillips is the editorial director of Universus Media Group Inc. and the editor of Canadian auto dealer magazine. Todd can be reached at

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