How the auto retail experience improved in 2019

February 27, 2020

Looking back at the previous year, our industry experienced disruption and evolution due to a number of changes — a most noteworthy one being the improvement of the automotive retail experience.

The year 2019 was one of significant changes within the automotive industry, as new and advanced technologies continued to alter the auto buying experience for consumers.

We live in a digital age and all retailers, including new car dealers, need to be able to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of the consumer, as part of the customer service experience.

A number of new technological initiatives emerged over the past year that may gain a foothold, such as advanced car vending machines. Ford teamed up with Alibaba to create a temporary “Super Test-Drive Centre” where customers picked a car from a giant vending machine and took it for a three-day test — in a facility that is completely unmanned.

The idea behind the concept is that customers will take the vehicle for a longer period of time, making them love it so much they will want to purchase it immediately after — and can do so by heading right to a Ford location.

Another use of advanced technologies to sell cars is being realized through Virtual Reality (VR). Companies create centres where consumers can use Augmented Reality (AR) to learn more about vehicles and VR to see what it might be like to drive any assortment of a particular brand’s cars, trucks or SUVs.

Some dealerships are organizing test drives right to your front door, while others are doing the vetting of cars for you and offer next-day delivery services.

Cluno, a company based in Munich, is a start-up, selling car subscriptions — the subscription model is gaining popularity in many other industries, so why not cars? You pay a monthly fee and subscribe to a car for a minimum of six months, thereafter needing to renew your subscription or upgrade/downgrade your vehicle.

Today, many companies use online shopping programmes and subscription services to entice buyers. Companies understand the importance of having a digital presence and in some cases, facilitating most of the purchasing stages to happen online.

The auto-retail experience continues to improve each year as retailers increase and improve the ability to capture consumer data. Repeat shoppers and people who interact with dealerships online create a trail of data that adds up to a unique customer profile. When accessed in a timely fashion, that information can provide insights that make the in-person experience more productive for the consumer.

It also provides a sales person with a better chance of impressing today’s connected audience. When such data isn’t available, you can still make an impression — but not as good a one.

Each year introduces huge advancements in technology that create an ever-convenient experience for shoppers. However, it is important to maintain the most vital aspect of the automobile retail experience: friendly, helpful, and thoughtful customer service.

According to Brandwatch, in a survey of 8,000 people around the globe, 10 per cent chose friendly service as the most important attribute for an auto-brand. Friendly customer service came in third in the survey, just after quality and affordability. When people are shopping for a vehicle, they still want excellent customer service — even if the trends are moving to more automated techniques for sales.

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