Author: Gerry Malloy

Facing the future

GERRY MALLOY SAYS THAT WHILE LOOKING FORWARD IS IMPORTANT, THE DIRECTIONS THE AUTO INDUSTRY WILL ACTUALLY TAKE STILL REMAIN FAR FROM CERTAIN “Nobody can predict the future!” That may seem like a strange thing for Sheryl Connelly to say, given …

Changing role

IT’S THE DELIVERY, NOT THE DEAL-MAKING THAT IS CREATING LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CUSTOMERS AND DEALERSHIP SALESPEOPLE Technology, specifically the Internet, has changed the process of buying and selling cars forever. The dealership is no longer the first stop in the …

Paving the way

TODAY’S DRIVER-ASSISTANCE SYSTEMS ARE BUILDING BLOCKS TOWARD FULLY AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES Recently, it seems that the mainstream media has become infatuated with the prospect of autonomous cars — vehicles that can drive themselves. That infatuation is due in large part to …