Cold weather range loss varies significantly by model, Audi E-Tron best

December 15, 2022

All electric cars experience some range loss in cold weather, but the amount varies widely by model, according to a new report from battery analysis firm Recurrent. The company, which produces battery health reports for used EVs, published a similar report last year. This time, though, it has more data, with model comparisons based on information from about 7,000 vehicles. This year’s findings reinforce what Recurrent reported last year: that cold weather affects EV range differently for each model. It can be a big difference, too. In freezing versus 70-degree temperatures, the Chevrolet Bolt EV had the biggest average range loss, at 32%, while the Audi E-Tron seems to endure cold weather the best of the models surveyed, losing just 8% of its warm-weather range when temperatures drop. Read original article here.

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