New Georgian College Auto School grad encourages other women to enter the industry

November 4, 2022

As a new graduate of the four-year Georgian College Automotive Business School of Canada and co-valedictorian of her class, Alexandria Buonopane is looking forward to working full-time in the industry and encourages women to seek a career in it.

Buonopane is currently working as a Sales Representative for A&R Solutions, which is owned by her father and is the largest automotive IT service-provider in Canada. Having grown up in the automotive world, she had a desire to work in it.

“I’ve always admired the auto industry and really enjoyed it, so when I was looking at a school to pursue a business degree I figured this would be the best option because you get all the practical information, but there’s also co-ops which I think are really important,” said Buonopane in an interview with Canadian auto dealer. “I had an opportunity to work at different dealerships and for different organizations in the auto industry. I thought (the program) would be the best fit and I’m really happy I chose it.”

She said she has been attending auto conferences and recently joined an online group of women in automotive. Of the 30 graduates in her class, she was one of only two women among them.

“Women maybe don’t seek out the auto industry, it’s more by accident they get into it from what I’ve heard when talking to other women,” said Buonopane. “Every woman I know in the auto industry is really excited about it and really passionate, so I think there is a good place for women in it. I think the auto industry should try to attract more women. I don’t think that statistically there are enough women that are interested in joining the industry, but once they actually get into it most of them end up enjoying it and being successful.”

She said her aspiration is to one day own a dealership.

“I know it’s a very difficult goal, but it’s something that I would hope to achieve in the future,” said Buonopane.

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