Polestar how-to-guide for cold weather driving an inspiration for Canada’s dealers?

With many consumers still wary of winter driving with an electric vehicle, and others searching for information that will banish their fears, dealers may find that now is as good a time as any to start sharing that knowledge.

They may wish to take a page out of Polestar’s latest update, which provided a how-to-guide on driving an EV in cold weather. In it, they explore the main reason why EVs are affected by the cold (the temperature of the battery): how the electrochemical processes in the battery slows down, which then has an impact on the charging speed and range.

“In addition, heating the car’s cabin to a comfortable temperature requires more energy than it would in the summer,” said Polestar in its update. “Therefore, your guiding mantra through the winter months should be to keep you and your battery warm. And this is how it’s done.”

Information on preheating an EV, such as through a preconditioning function, are among the three main tips provided in a new how-to-guide from EV manufacturer Polestar. Notes on efficient driving, including on avoiding accelerating and braking quickly to reduce the amount of battery charge used, have also been included. Along with a warning to keep the battery charged. For long drives, Polestar suggests adding a fast charger as a waypoint in the navigation system.

Now is a great time for dealers to discuss EVs with consumers, and explore an EV’s ability to function properly during cold weather driving.

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