KAR Auction Services adds arbitration and Assurance features to ADESA and TradeRev

KAR Auction Services, Inc., a well-known operator of digital marketplaces for wholesale used vehicles, announces new features that are aimed at improving the buying experience on its ADESA Canada and TradeRev marketplaces. The changes include a new process to streamline arbitrations and Assurance claims, and bulk checkout for purchased vehicles.

“Creating a fast, simple and easy buying and selling experience for our customers is at the core of everything we do,” said James Coyle, chief digital officer at KAR Global. “A key part of that experience is post-sale—and with these new features and functionality, we’ve optimized our marketplaces and technology to deliver a more simplified and consistent experience for dealers. With these changes, customers can cut down on process time—streamlining business across our marketplaces.”

According to the company release, ADESA Canada and TradeRev customers will now be able to file arbitration and Assurance claims directly from the Purchases Page—significantly reducing effort and time, and speeding up the process. For an arbitration claim, customers will provide and submit their reason for the claim, desired outcome, documentation, pictures and additional comments. For an Assurance claim, they’ll simply submit the reason for the return within 30 days of the vehicle being purchased. With bulk checkout, customers gain the ability to checkout multiple ADESA Canada and TradeRev vehicles at once but can still add services such as a post-sale inspection, transport and more for each individual vehicle.

“Speed and convenience are paramount to the buying process—so by making it easier for dealers to leverage our services, we’re providing another layer of value,” continued Coyle. “Our team is focused on pushing the envelope and innovating to bring our customers cutting-edge products that improve their business and operations. Dealers asked for this, and we are pleased to incorporate their feedback as we evolve our products and technologies.”

The Purchases Page on both ADESA Canada and TradeRev are now live. The page streamlines online self-checkout and expands post-sale capabilities enabling customers to view and manage all their ADESA Simulcast, Simulcast+ and TradeRev purchases in one centralized place.

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